Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mmmm - a very French dinner... almost

Made some roasted ratatouille tonight with some chicken breast seasoned with some herbes de provence and served it alongside couscous. But not the French style couscous, the Israeli style. It was still quite tasty, though not (quite) 100% French. I do like the extra flavor you can get from the larger grains and the ability to toast them up in some butter before cooking them in stock. (Chicken tonight since it was served with chicken, but I've made it with beef stock when serving it with a beef entree.)

Plans for tomorrow night - not sure. It's Friday so that means it's most likely leftovers since Bryan works so late. Oh well. My new quest - perfecting a recipe for a 'golden butter' cupcake that I can divide up so that I can make a normal amount at once rather than 2 dozen cupcakes at a time. (I can't eat that many at once so it's silly to make a whole cake-sized batch when I'm not bringing them to a party.) That combo with the awesome coconut-blue agave ganache was so awesome I want to make it again and again and again. (While working out in between.)

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